3. For the purpose of this question, we are going to view your first blog post (Part “B” Question #1) as an introductory online campaign. Please answer the following questions:
- What is your intended goal and why? (3 marks)
My goal is for my audience to realize how much growth they are missing out on without the expertise of someone whose whole purpose is to create that growth, rather than just operate their business. If I’m opening a restaurant because I make great burgers, I know how to provide that, but I might not know how to make people aware of it. Having a professional attract the attention I deserve for making those burgers allows me to focus on what I do best and let the rest come to me. Take Wix for example; in class we discussed that Wix exists to help business owners get online when that’s not their skill. In the same sense, I would offer video marketing to people like that so they can concentrate on the actual aspects of running their business. I want my audience to recognize this because once they do, it’ll be clear that they are better off letting someone skilled in marketing handle it. If someone good at making burgers attempts a marketing job, it likely won’t turn out nearly as well as if it were left to the professionals – creating the point of value for my service in my audience’s mind.
- Who are you writing for and why? (3 marks)
I am writing to an audience of small business owners who aren’t in the position to have an onboard marketer to handle the aspects of growing a business. Running a business that great at what it does is one thing, but getting a consumer base for it is completely separate and often doesn’t come naturally. Allocating time and monetary resources to create your own amateur brand marketing isn’t easy and has no guaranteed success; most businesses that have operated through recent changes in operations like through covid or social media metas may have experienced this. For example, TikTok’s potential ban could completely change how small businesses need to market in order to reach their target audience. Attempting to keep up with such continual changes doesn’t allow companies to focus on important elements of satisfying their customers in real life. Writing to an audience like this will express clear value to them through the idea alone: not having to struggle and see loss over something that isn’t even related to the business you’re passionate about is a clear advantage to these people and something that they cannot just ignore.
- What type of “Experience” will you be creating for the visitors? Please explain and justify your reasoning. (2 marks)
Border City on Film will create a hassle-free, all-in-one experience for something that’s a necessity to keep a business’s doors open. Think of Geek Squad, a business with an office may need to install a security system but doing that themselves is a tedious task that requires a time commitment to understand how it all works. That’s a hassle that a business does not need to do themselves to run effectively. In the same sense they do not need to understand the depths of digital marketing to be good at what they do, as such, offering an experience where it just gets done and the traffic follows appeals to a business in the same way.
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